Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Red Raincoat

 Title: The Red Raincoat 

Picture of the cover:

Author: Kiran Kasturia 

Illustrator: Zainab Tambawalla 

Published By: Pratham Books

Grade Level: Kindergarten-2nd grade

Genre: Children's Fiction, Picture Book

Brief Biography: Kiran Kasturia, a former lecturer specializing in Child Development, is an acclaimed author who has received the National Children's Literature Award. With contributions to magazines and organizations like NCERT and CSE, Kasturia's expertise in children's literature and education is widely recognized. Her book "The Red Raincoat" showcases her storytelling prowess and ability to engage young readers.

Synopsis: "The Red Raincoat," tells the story of Manu, a young boy thrilled to have a brand-new red raincoat. With anticipation in his heart, he can't wait to wear it and experience the joy of playing in the rain. However, the rain seems to be taking its time, making Manu wait and wait and wait. This heartwarming tale explores the themes of patience, anticipation, and nature's simple pleasures.


  • Show them the book's cover and ask questions like: What do you think this story might be about? Why is the raincoat red? What do you like to do when it rains?

During reading:

  • Page 1: Encourage children to describe the illustrations and share their thoughts on Manu's red raincoat.
  • Page 3: Ask children to predict what Manu might do while wearing his new raincoat.
  • Page 5: Discuss how Manu feels as he eagerly waits for the rain to come.
  • Page 7: Explore the emotions and expressions on Manu's face when the rain finally arrives.


  • Encourage children to share their own experiences of waiting for something exciting and discuss how they felt during that time.
  • Invite children to create their own rain-themed artwork using various art supplies, such as paints, crayons, or coloured pencils.
  • Organize a pretend play session where children can dress up in raincoats and boots, engaging in an imaginative play inspired by the story.


"The Red Raincoat" by Kiran Kasturia is a charming tale that beautifully captures the anticipation and joy of waiting for something special. Through Manu's journey, the book highlights the value of patience and finding delight in nature's simple pleasures, such as rainfall. Zainab Tambawalla's illustrations bring the story to life, evoking emotions and immersing young readers in Manu's rainy-day adventures.

In conclusion, "The Red Raincoat" is a delightful book that celebrates the magic of rainy days and teaches children the value of patience and finding joy in waiting. Through its relatable characters and engaging narrative, this enchanting story will surely capture young readers' hearts and inspire them to embrace the wonders of nature and the excitement that anticipation brings.


Annual Haircut Day- ONCE AGAIN!

Title: "Annual Haircut Day- ONCE AGAIN!"

Picture of the cover:

Written: Rohini Nilekani

Illustrated: Angie & Upesh

Published: Pratham Books

Year of Publication: 2021

Grade Level(s): 1st-2nd

Genre: Picture Book

Theme: Overcoming Challenges, Adaptability

Author's brief biography: Rohini Nilekani is an Indian author, philanthropist, and social activist. She has written several books for children, including "Annual Haircut Day," and is the founder of the Arghyam Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works towards water conservation.

Synopsis: It is the Annual Haircut Day in Sringeri Srinivas's village, but this year is different. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there is a lockdown in the town, and the barbershop is closed. Sringeri Srinivas is determined to get his annual haircut, but who will help him? Read this heartwarming story to find out how he overcomes this challenge.

Pre-reading strategies:

  • Show the cover of the book and ask students to predict what the story might be about.
  • Discuss what a lockdown is and ask students if they have experienced one.
  • Introduce any new vocabulary words that may be in the story, such as "pandemic" or "quarantine."
  • Show students a picture of a barbershop and ask them to identify different things they see.

During reading strategies:

  • Pause periodically and ask students questions to check for understanding, such as "Why is the barbershop closed?" or "Why does Sringeri Srinivas want to get his haircut?"
  • Encourage students to make connections between the story and their own experiences, such as "Have you ever had to change your plans because of something unexpected?" or "Have you ever had to find a new solution to a problem?"
  • Ask students to predict what might happen next in the story.

Post-reading strategies:

  • Ask the students to draw a picture of Sringeri Srinivas getting his haircut uniquely.
  • Have a class discussion about how people can adapt to unexpected situations, such as a lockdown or a pandemic.
  • Ask the students to write a letter to Sringeri Srinivas, advising him on what he could have done differently to get his haircut.
  • Ask students to summarize the story in their own words.
  • Have students discuss how they felt during the different parts of the story, such as when Sringeri Srinivas was trying to find a way to get his haircut.


"Annual Haircut Day- ONCE AGAIN!" is a heartwarming story that teaches children about overcoming challenges and finding new solutions to unexpected situations. I appreciate how the story addresses the impact of the pandemic and how it has affected people's lives. The illustrations in the book are bright and engaging, and the language used is simple and accessible for young readers. Overall, this book would be a great addition to any classroom library and a helpful tool for teachers to help their students understand the importance of adaptability.


Annual Haircut Day

 Title: Annual Haircut Day

Picture of the cover:

Written by: Rohini Nilekani

Illustrated by: Angie & Upesh

Year, Publisher, place: 2019, Pratham Books, India

Grade level(s): Kindergarten-2nd

Genre: Picture Book

Theme: Kindness, Helping Others

Author name and brief biography: Rohini Nilekani is an Indian author and philanthropist. She has written several books for children and adults, including "The Hungry Little Sky Monster" and "The Little Book of Good Indian Girls". She is also the founder of Arghyam, a nonprofit organization that works towards sustainable water management in India.

Synopsis: Sringeri Srinivas, a long-haired farmer, wants a haircut on Annual Haircut Day. However, everyone in the village is busy with their own work and cannot help him. When he is about to give up hope, a tiger comes to help him get his haircut.

Pre-reading strategies:

  • Show the cover of the book and ask students to make predictions about what the story might be about.
  • Ask students if they have ever gone to a barber or hairdresser before.
  • Introduce any new vocabulary words that may be in the story, such as "barber" or "haircut".
  • Show the students a picture of a farm and ask them to identify different things they see.

During reading strategies:

  • Ask the students to predict who might help Sringeri Srinivas get his haircut.
  • Pause periodically and ask students questions to check for understanding, such as "Why is Sringeri Srinivas having trouble getting his haircut?" or "What do the children do to help him?"
  • Encourage students to make connections between the story and their own experiences, such as "Have you ever helped someone who needed it?" or "Have you ever needed help from someone?"
  • Ask students to predict what might happen next in the story.

Post-reading strategies:

  • Ask the students to draw a picture of a time when they helped someone.
  • Have a class discussion about the importance of helping others.
  • Ask the students to write a short story about someone who needs help and how they help them.
  • Ask students to summarize the story in their own words.
  • Have students draw a picture of their favourite part of the story.


"Annual Haircut Day" is a heartwarming story emphasizing the importance of helping others. It teaches children that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. The illustrations in the book are colourful and engaging, and the language used is simple and accessible for young readers. Overall, this book would be a great addition to any classroom library and a helpful tool for teachers to teach children about the value of kindness and empathy.


"A Home Of Our Own"

 Title: A Home Of Our Own

Picture of the cover:

Author: Meghaa Aggarwal

Illustrator: Habib Ali

Year: 2018

Theme: Imagination/ Friendship

Publisher: Tulika Books

Grade: 2nd

Genre: Picture Book

Brief Biography: Meghaa Aggarwal is a writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi, India. She has authored several children's books and is passionate about creating stories that inspire young readers. She is also the founder of a social enterprise called 'Dastaan' that provides livelihood opportunities to women artisans from marginalized communities.

Synopsis: In 'A Home Of Our Own', Sunehri and her friends play house-house, using discarded items like old plates and bowls, empty packets of chips, plastic bottles, and a broken helmet to create their make-believe world. They live on the city streets and have never known a real home. Despite the harsh realities of their lives, their imagination and friendship allow them to find joy in the small things.

Reading - Writing Strategies


You can ask the students to predict the story by looking at the cover page. Ask the students what they think 'house-house' means.

During reading

What materials do Sunehri and her friends use to build their make-believe house? Why do you think Sunehri and her friends play house-house? How do the children feel while playing the game? What is your favourite game to play with your friends?


You can ask the students to draw a picture of their favourite game to play with their friends and write a few sentences about it. You can also encourage students to bring in old materials from home and create their own make-believe world. Discuss the importance of recycling and repurposing items in our everyday lives.


'A Home Of Our Own' is a heartwarming story highlighting the power of imagination and friendship. The author shows children can find joy in the simplest things, even in the most challenging circumstances. The story also teaches an important lesson about repurposing and recycling materials, which is a great way to help the environment. As a reader, I was reminded of the importance of appreciating life's small things and friendship's value.

Gappu Can't Dance

 Title: Gappu Can't Dance

Picture of the cover:

Author: Menaka Raman

Illustrator: Krishna Chandran

Published By: Pratham Books

Grade Level: Kindergarten-1stgrade

Genre: Children's Fiction or Picture Book

Brief Biography: Menaka Raman is the talented author of "Gappu Can't Dance." Although limited information is available about the author's background, Raman's storytelling prowess shines through in this delightful children's book. With a captivating narrative and relatable characters, Raman showcases her ability to connect with young readers and create engaging stories that resonate with them.

Synopsis: In "Gappu Can't Dance," we meet Gappu, a lovable character in Class 1A who struggles with dancing. While her classmates raise their left hand, Gappu inadvertently raises her right hand. But can Komal Ma'am, their teacher, find a way to help Gappu discover her own unique rhythm and love for dancing? This heartwarming tale introduces the concept of opposites while highlighting the importance of embracing individuality and finding joy in self-expression.


Before diving into the story, encourage children to observe the cover illustration and predict what the book might be about. Ask questions such as: Why do you think Gappu can't dance? How do you think the other characters will react to her dance moves?

During reading :

Page 1: Ask children to share their thoughts on the expression and body language of Gappu and her classmates.

Page 3: Encourage children to identify the differences in the raised hands of Gappu and her classmates.

Page 6: Discuss how Gappu feels when she realizes that she dances differently from her peers.

Page 9: Prompt children to imagine how Komal Ma'am might help Gappu overcome her dancing challenges.


  1. Encourage children to reflect on their own unique talents or skills and discuss how everyone is special in their own way.
  2. Organize a dance party in the classroom, allowing each child to showcase their preferred dance moves and celebrate their individuality.


"Gappu Can't Dance" by Menaka Raman beautifully captures the essence of celebrating individuality and finding joy in self-expression. Through Gappu's endearing journey, the story encourages children to embrace their uniqueness and discover their own rhythm. Krishna Chandran's vibrant illustrations perfectly complement the narrative, bringing the characters and their emotions to life.

In conclusion, "Gappu Can't Dance" is a delightful book that celebrates diversity, self-acceptance, and the joy of dancing. It teaches young readers the valuable lesson of embracing differences and finding confidence in expressing oneself. This charming tale will captivate children's hearts and inspire them to dance to their unique beat.

Reference :

The Red Raincoat

  Title:  The Red Raincoat  Picture of the cover: Author:  Kiran Kasturia  Illustrator:  Zainab Tambawalla  Published By:  Pratham Books Gra...