Title: A Home Of Our Own
Picture of the cover:
Author: Meghaa Aggarwal
Illustrator: Habib Ali
Year: 2018
Theme: Imagination/ Friendship
Publisher: Tulika Books
Grade: 2nd
Genre: Picture Book
Brief Biography: Meghaa Aggarwal is a writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi, India. She has authored several children's books and is passionate about creating stories that inspire young readers. She is also the founder of a social enterprise called 'Dastaan' that provides livelihood opportunities to women artisans from marginalized communities.
Synopsis: In 'A Home Of Our Own', Sunehri and her friends play house-house, using discarded items like old plates and bowls, empty packets of chips, plastic bottles, and a broken helmet to create their make-believe world. They live on the city streets and have never known a real home. Despite the harsh realities of their lives, their imagination and friendship allow them to find joy in the small things.
Reading - Writing Strategies
You can ask the students to predict the story by looking at the cover page. Ask the students what they think 'house-house' means.
During reading
What materials do Sunehri and her friends use to build their make-believe house? Why do you think Sunehri and her friends play house-house? How do the children feel while playing the game? What is your favourite game to play with your friends?
You can ask the students to draw a picture of their favourite game to play with their friends and write a few sentences about it. You can also encourage students to bring in old materials from home and create their own make-believe world. Discuss the importance of recycling and repurposing items in our everyday lives.
'A Home Of Our Own' is a heartwarming story highlighting the power of imagination and friendship. The author shows children can find joy in the simplest things, even in the most challenging circumstances. The story also teaches an important lesson about repurposing and recycling materials, which is a great way to help the environment. As a reader, I was reminded of the importance of appreciating life's small things and friendship's value.
I really like this story and the post during strategies are really nice to do with children.It will be good to introduce the concept of using waste materials by this story.